Saturday, November 3, 2012

DIY Lip Scrub

I have chronically dry lips all year around! I have no idea why, I just do. This is my magic recipe for soft lips, and its the only thing that has worked for me so far!

It's so simple. These are the only three ingredients:Brown Sugar, Salt, and Vaseline. 
use a Q-tip to mix them all together and then use the Q-tip or your finger to rub the mixture on your lips for about a minute. Wipe it off with a tissue and then rinse and apply a small amount of Vaseline or chap stick to your lips. 

 And Ta Da! silky smooth lips!(:

Sunday, October 28, 2012

Cabinet Re-do

Here is another one of my DIY re-dos, it's just a tall skinny cabinet. Once again I forgot to take an original before picture, but it was gray with gray wooden knobs. I sanded the entire thing down, painted all the drawers and the body of it with a white primer (2 coats) and then I painted it with a pretty cotton white paint. it took a few coats of that to get a nice finish.

The best way I have found to get a smooth, professional paint finish is to use a cabinet roller like this one:

I decided to stain the top of the cabinet with Ebony stain, I also used a paint roller for this but then I quickly wiped off the access with a rag.

This is the before and after:

Before and After
I found the knobs at hobby lobby on sale for only $3.99 each! I was very excited. although getting all five of them took some time because they didn't have enough in stock and I had to wait for another shipment to come in. But it was well worth the wait! I think they are adorable! 

Hobby Lobby Knobs
Someday I would love to paint the inside of the drawers ribbon egg blue but I just haven't gotten to it yet and I was all painted out for the week!

Saturday, October 27, 2012

Pottery Barn Black Re-Finish

Yay! My first blog post! Ok, here we go! So if there is one thing I'm great at doing it's starting projects and not finishing them for a very long time. Well this was the first time I actually finished within a few days because it was so easy! I got the idea and directions from The Yellow Cape Cod.
I always seam to forget to take pictures before I start my projects so sorry these aren't the best pictures, but here is the before and after:

I followed the directions mostly, I probably should have sanded better than I did. I also used an electric mouse sander to make the rough spots very carefully on the edges. To make it realistic try and sand parts of it that would naturally be dinged up from use, especially the corners.